So now I'm a blogger
Never thought the day would come. I'm not really sure how this is going to work out because I don't really like to talk about myself too much, and I don't really do anything during the day, but I guess nobody on these things really does.
My name is Scott. I live in Ottawa. I'm unemployed and have an honours degree in computer science. I think my lack of a job can be traced to my lack of ambition, so I've got nobody to blame but myself. It's not so much that I'm lazy, I just really don't want to do work. Think about it, given the choice between getting up early every morning and going to a boring office to sit at a desk for 8 hours, or sleeping til noon and playing video games all day, which would you pick?
The job obviously, that way you make money. Stupid reality :(
More about me. I used to go to Queen's University, until I graduated. Most of my friends are still there, which sucks because they're all in Kingston and I never get to see them. I guess this is where I make my "shout outs" to my friends like people used to do in their ICQ profiles, but I'm not going to do that. I will say hi to Kevin, and blame him for getting me involved in this whole thing. Sens in 6.
I have some friends in Ottawa too, but I don't really see them too often. Weird since one of them lives really close to me. The others I don't have phone numbers or msn contacts for, so I need to get on that.
But you don't care about that, gentle reader. Unless you really are a gentle reader, in which case you do care. Now I'm confused, so I'll sign off.
Wait, do you sign off a blog?
you dog fucker. Pick up that fucking China Barrel. Come on, latch on to that king pillowtop you pussy. oh, here's a nice heavy lampshade for you - wait, it's a 4 cube of fucking books. Claim lamp? I got ten!!!
CALL ME GOD!!!!!!!!
Okay Bruce
hey greenhorn, want to dance?
Ahh.. so semi-anonymous hackers are now informing the boffolated one that he needs to get a job. I think I see a trend...
Just remember... TIPPET AND RIP IT BABY!!!!
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