Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Freelance programmer

Is there any money in being a freelance programmer?

Earlier today my friend Mark and I were discussing streaming music and we had the idea to write an application that would let people add requested songs to a shoutcast server. A quick search on Sourceforge revealed that that idea had been done, so we moved on to something else, a multi-threaded chatterbox. If you don't know, a chatterbox is like a forum thread, except it's visible on the site at all times, and you can add into it whenever you want. Sites like Everything ad Deskmod have them. Or Deskmod did before they shut down.

Anyway, I'm looking at writing this and maybe starting up my own little programming business. I figure it won't make too much money, but I can use it for experience.

I should also write something for my phone that will remind me to lock the doors when I get out of cars. I always seem to forget that.

In unrelated job-seeking news, one person who I sent a resume to was in the Queen's Bands from 1978 til 1980. I was in the Queen's Bands from 2000 til 2004. Unfortunately, even the prospect of helping a fellow Bandsie couldn't allow her to hire a patent agent who knew nothing about patents. Apparently everybody wants experience in that field, excpet if you have a Ph.D or some other high-level degree.

If you're wondering, I played the snare drum and the bass drum in the Bands. More about the Bands here: Queen's Bands. For the lazy, it's a pipe band and brass band, plus cheerleaders and hot hot highland dancers.

I miss the Bands.


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