Sunday, April 03, 2005

Percentages vs Pixels

Once again, I'm stymied by a design decision about the webpage. Initially I thought that doing the sizes of the text boxes as a percentage of the window size would be the best idea, in the mistaken assumption that the empty space on the sides would be replaced by text for people running at lower resolutions. Because a text box was set to 60% of the screen width and that point, 40% of each line was blank. I then realized that it would stay the same for everybody.

In other words, somebody running at a low resolution would get the same 40% blank space, and the text would cover a lot of lines.

I switched it to a fixed width, measured in pixels. I made it so that widest boxes would still fit on the lowest resolution screens. This was great, until I realized that not everybody runs their web browser maximized, and that for some users I'd be making them do a bunch of horizontal scrolling, and nobody likes that. Nobody.

So, I went back to the percentage system, but using larger numbers. Right now my biggest text boxes are 85% of the screen, and it stays that way for every window size.

I think this is the best solution, and I'm a little upset that it took me 3 tries to figure it out. It's common sense really. Avoiding scrolling and minimizing wasted space are two admirable goals, and I'm finally accomplishing them both, I think.

With this fascinating look into my amateurish web design now completed, I offer to you a burning question:

What colour would a Wookiee Jedi's lightsaber be?


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