The trials and tribulations of free web hosting
I'm looking to set up a webpage for the secret project, and I know there isn't a lot of money floating around for it, so I need a free web host, preferably one that doesn't plaster ads all over everything. Rogers used to give you some web space when you signed up with them, but they've since changed it to a Yahoo/GeoCities hybrid thing, and that's no good. Since I can't use that, I hit the net.
According to review sites, every free web host out there is either the best ever or the worst ever. There's very little middle ground. There was one where one comment went on and on about how terrible its features were, and the next went on and on about how great all the features were. You have to read between the lines to get an accurate picture of the reviews.
There's one host I'm looking at that requires you be active on their forum and submit your site for approval. That doesn't sound too bad to me, but I couldn't find any information on what they generally approve of. I don't want to sign up somebody else's website for hosting where it might not pass muster.
Maybe I'll just find a cheap host and forget all the free stuff. At least when they're charging money they have to be honest about what they offer, right?
I think I found a good one, just waiting for confirmation from the boss. It's AtSpace if you're curious, or have any experience (positive or negative, I want to hear both) with it.
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