Train wreck
That's what my NCAA Tournament brackets are now. The Method has let me down. In some parallel dimension I'm at the top of my pool, so at least that gives me a bit of hope. Take that parallel everyone else!
I managed to go with only eating once yesterday. I went to Denny's for lunch and felt like I was going to die for a while afterwards. I'm still not terribly hungry.
It's quite an adjustment, because normally I eat at least twice a day. It should be 3 times, but lately I've been combining breakfast and lunch into something that's not really brunch, it's just something I eat sometime during the day. I don't think it's too healthy to only eat twice during the day, but I'm okay so far.
Also, turns out the Steven and I had some miscommunication. We initially agreed on the intersection of Baseline and Fisher, but then he changed it to Baseline station. He said Baseline in message to me, but he didn't say it was the station and not the street, which was the source of the problem. Not too big of a deal, it seemed the job fair was mostly for call centre jobs (or that's the impression I got), and I don't think I can handle a job that's just talking on the phone all day.
In better news I think I got everything for the secret project finished, and if so I've got a free shirt and possibly some money coming my way. Insert squeals of joy here, I love free shirts.
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