Friday, October 08, 2004

I hate pigeons

I spent a good part of the afternoon sweeping up pigeon crap from my balcony. I guess the previous tenants didn't have a problem with pigeons shitting all over the balcony, because there was way more than could have accumulated in the 2 or 3 weeks the place was vacant. Luckily none of it was fresh, so it swept up pretty nicely.

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Anyway, I still ahven't started on the project Mark and I were discussing, which is a good thing because I misunderstood what he wanted. Unfortunately it just became a lot harder, but I think I can still do it. Not sure if I'll be able to do it well, but we'll see.

I'm sure nobody's too interested in what it is, based on the lack of comments from my previous update, so I've learned something. Nobody cares about programming.

In response to my various MSN names complainign about the pigeons, 2 different people advised me to get a pellet gun and just pick them off. It's tempting, but I'm not sure if I want to gruesomely murder them. My bacony might get haunted by angry pigeon spirits. Not sure what they'd do besides cry ghostly cooings. Maybe shit ectoplasm everywhere.

I need to start making smaller pots of coffee. I'm all jittery. Coffee never used to make me jitter like this, guess I'm getting old.


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