Monday, December 20, 2004

Call me Oqitrajal

Oqitrajal Tesebayaul to be precise.

Greg and I had a game of Scrabble where we decided to use our entire rack on every turn and not bother making real words. As the game progressed, I noticed that a lot of the words would make awesome names. As a result, I now answer to Oqitrajal Tesebayaul, and Greg now answers to Fowabryoka Zasyceehov.

If I ever get into serious role playing, I know what my character's name will be, but for now it's just for fun.

It's pronounced Oak-i-tra-jul Tess-uh-bay-yall, if you're curious.

No news, but I now have my brother and Margot on the Scrabble bandwagon. Come on and join our convoy, nothing gonna get in our way.


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