This could be bad
Some guys came into my apartment and replaced the toilets and showerhead. Apparently they're water saving or something, but aren't supposed to have any of the common problems associated with low-flow fixtures. Problems such as no water pressure and needing 12 flushes to get the job done, small things that never fail to get people riled up.
I haven't had a chance to use any of them yet, so I can't comment on how well they live up to their claims. I'm really hoping they don't annoy me.
Speaking of annoying things, I wound up being 20 minutes late for my speech appointment today. A bus broke down downtown, and mine got stuck behind it. There was no room to pass and the driver of the tow truck made sure to go nice and slowly to inconvenience us all. We wound up stuck behind it until Hurdman station, 10 stops away.
Naturally I had to wait for the 85 there, so that made me even later. I'd complain about the Transpo service, but it's way cheaper than driving.
Changing gears slightly, I went drinking last night. The Society for Technical Communication had a wine and cheese at the Dow's Lake Pavillion, and all us technical writing students got to go for free. We got a free glass of wine and all the goodies we could eat, and after a while they opened up the cash bar. Dow's Lake obviously isn't a big party spot because they only had 2 kinds of beer, Coors Light and Blue, and technical communicators don't seem to be much for parties, because everybody was gone before it got too late.
At the end there were 4 of us tech writing students left, so we walked up Preston to Pub Italia (I think that's the name but I forget. Something Italia anyway). We were only going for one pint, seeing how we had places to go and we were already half in the bag. I had a Hoegaarden just to be completely out of synch with the season, and I was happy to see nobody at the table ordered a mainstream beer.
The conversation was good, shifting through all kinds of topics, and I got to talk like a pirate about text layouts. Seriously, say the word "kerning" like a pirate. It sounds completely piratey. Kerning is the spacing between letters, if you didn't know, so now you have a new word to throw around. Say it like a pirate for bonus points.
I think that concludes my last two days of activity. I started laundry when the guys were replacing toilets on my floor and went to Tim Hortons while the washer was going. I got back and started the dryer, but left my jacket in the laundry room. I didn't realize it until I was going up past the 3rd floor, so I figured I drop off my detergent and go back down to get it. When I got to my floor, the toilet guys were still hanging out in the hall, and I didn't want to look like an idiot in front of them so I just left it down there. My plan is to get it when I take stuff out of the dryer, and I really hope it's still there...
Jacket update: It was still there
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