What is it with this city?
Do I have a "Spray disgusting road slush on me" sign on my back? Cause it seems that way.
I was coming home from an appointment at the Rehab Centre, and I wound up getting off a stop early on Fisher. No big deal, because the two stops are the same distance from my building's door. I don't know why, but I prefer getting off at the one closer to Baseline.
Anyway, I got off the bus and started walking. I noticed that there was water next to the sidewalk, but I didn't think anything of it, and continued on my way.
In the time it took me to take 4 steps, the bus picked up enough speed to splash me, and it soaked me from the knees down. Seriously, 4 steps! How hard did the driver have to stomp the gas?
I've decided to give up on sidewalks. This city has the desire to drench me with wet, salty dirt, and I'm sure none of my pants will make it through this winter unsoaked.
If you're curious about the appointment, it was with the respirologist. My speech therapist and I noticed that when I talk I sometimes don't breathe like I should, and we wanted to see if it was a physical problem or a psychological one. Turns out it's in my head, and my breathing is so perfect the department is going to erect a statue of me.
Random segue: How awesome would it be to have a life-sized statue of yourself made out of meat? So you could slowly eat yourself, and not feel bad about it in the morning. A tofu version will be available for vegetarians.
I think there's a market for this. I just need a catchy name.
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