Monday, April 18, 2005

Oh Guild Wars, you so cray-zay

As of this sentence there are just under 3 hours left until Guild Wars finishes its last public beta event. I should be playing, but I just can't get motivated to do anything in the game, because I know it'll be over soon.

I've heard that they might be erasing everybody's characters when the game launches. I've gotten rather attached to my warrior monk, and I don't want to see him get erased. Sure, I can just make another one, but it's the principle of the thing. I spent a lot of time leveling and doing pointless question to get the skills and armour and weapon I have now, and it's not fair to just erase all that work. I just got armour that had actual pants, for whoever's sake!

Normally warrior armour has leggings that don't leave much to the imagination. Most likely to make their opponents avert their eyes in disgust. Clever bunch, those exhibitionist warriors.

With 4 hours left in the beta, the cities were hotbeds of furious economic action. People were selling their goods for ridiculous prices, making trades that they ordinarily wouldn't even consider, and a lot of people were just giving things away. It was a madhouse.

Personally, I made a bizarre trade (I was trying to get rid of stuff and help my fellow player at the same time. I'm like that sometimes). The trade was for two different types of crafting supplies (you get some of the right types and a guy in town makes armour and weapons for you). I traded a steel ingot (cash value 30 gold) for 2 shells (cash value 3 gold each). No reason to make such a bad trade, but I did it anyway. Steel is tough to get, you need the right item and a special salvage kit, which costs a fortune. Shells you can find anywhere.

Just in case the rumours of impending deletion were false, I kept a good supply of all the crafting supplies I had, plus all my money and gear. If the rumours are true, then I wouldn't benefit from it anyway. No sense feeding the madness.

Here lies Scott the Green, level 15 Warrior/Monk. Swordsman and enchanter with a tendency to play air guitar on the field of combat.

He shall be missed


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