Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Good (time of day) to you all, and welcome to Random Wiki Extravaganza volume 5. The weekly blog feature where I pull up 5 or more random pages from Wikipedia for the sole purpose of entertainment and possibly to teach you some extremely trivial trivia.

Is there any better kind of trivia? Let's find out!

A flavin-containing monooxygenase system is used for oxidation in metabolizing drugs, and it doesn't oxidize carbon atoms. I guess that's good news.

State-owned enterprises are businesses that are owned by the government. I bet you never would have figured that out from the name.

Israel Lopez is a Mexican soccer player with a cool name. Seriously, say it out loud with a Spanish accent.

Murray Elston was an Ontario Liberal representing the Huron-Bruce riding (which was later renamed Bruce) from 1981-1994. He was interim party leader in 1991, but apparently wasn't good enough at it to keep the job.

Ray Lee Hunt owns a portion of Hunt Oil Co. He's much richer than me.

One more? One more.

Encarnacion is a sculpting technique involving multiple steps of painting, varnishing, and sanding, which give the statue a life-like glow.

Seems like these RWEs just fly by. If you want to read last week's, then click here. Otherwise, don't click there. Or click there and then close the window, just for a larf.

Regardless, tune in next week, where I'll do it all over again!


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