Friday, May 06, 2005

Rampant consumerism

I bought a video card yesterday. I needed one to make Guild Wars look good, plus it's nice to be able to run new games. I was looking at a Radeon-based card, and I decided on a 9600 Pro. Upon getting to the store, they were out, but they had a 9800 Pro in stock, and it was a bit more money. It was a tough debate.

I had some trouble getting it working, on account of Windows being stupid and me forgetting to take out my old secondary video card, but now it's perfect, and everything is glorious. Seriously, every bit of land looks nice, water and tar move and reflect perfectly, and even the monsters look good. Plus I can finally see what's on our guild's cape.

On the other hand, I'm having a lot of trouble getting the colours right on the lcd monitor. I eaither get them too dark so I can't see fine detail, or too bright so everything's washed out. The middle ground is proving to be most elusive. I think I might have it now, but no doubt I'll change my mind.

On another happy note, my tax return came in. I'm going to be using it to pay off my credit card bill, but there should be enough left for me to enjoy.


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