Wednesday, August 24, 2005

This is an outrage

Loblaws has gone too far. There shall be no escape from my wrath, and my vengeance shall be swift and terrible.

The reduced the package size of the cookies I like.

I always get the no name fudge-dipped peanut butter cookies, normal price $1.99 per package. This package used to contain 21 cookies, which would be just enough to get me through to at least Thursday or Friday. As of Saturday, they changed the package. I noticed the colours were different, and I remember thinking there were less, and today I confirmed my suspicions. I bought another package today and took not of how many were in each row of the package.

There are now only 18 in the package. And yet they have the audacity, the unmitigated gall, to still charge the full price.

They must be stopped.


At 11:35 p.m., Blogger Kevin said...

chicken fuckers!


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