Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Well that's interesting

Margot sent me some pictures for the Centennial Gala, and I only remember one of them being taken. It was a fuzzy memory at first, but after thinking about it I can remember it pretty clearly now.

The other one is a complete blank. It's an innocent picture, Kevin and I sitting at a table, but I can't remember when we had it taken. I didn't think I had gotten quite that drunk, but I guess my ability to judge my own inebriation isn't quite what it used to be. I guess I need to be careful next time.

I forgot to get my cds from Kevin while I was in Kingston, so i'm going to have to delay reinstalling Windows and getting Visual Studio installed. Visual studio wants me to jump through a bunch of hoops to get it installed, so i figured it would be best to put it on a fresh copy of Windows rather than fit it into the mess of this one I have now.

Someday I'll get this done.


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