Sunday, February 27, 2005

Another post about old video games?

Yesterday afternoon I downloaded Castlevania 5: Dracula X. Some people know of my love for the Castlevania series, in all its hair-pulling frustrating glory. One of the things I liked best was how long each one would take to finish, and if not for the emulator save state function, the importance of carefully writing down passwords.

Last night I beat Castlevania 5: Dracula X. It was 7 levels, and aside from 2 or 3 tough bosses, not very hard. It also lacked a good recognizable end boss. I didn't even know I was fighting Dracula when I got to him. He was just a teleportig boss with one weak spot, who turned into a gargoyle or something when you beat him the first time. Normally a boss's second form is tougher than its first, but not in this case. I beat the gargoyle the 3rd time I got to it, as opposed to a number too high to count for the first form.

Castlevania 4 was better, in my opinion. Over twice as long, and hard as hell, the way Castlevania is supposed to be.

One random point: what is it with Castlevania games and clock towers? Is a clock tower so integral to the Dracula mythos that it's impossible to have a Dracula-based game that doesn't have one? Don't get me wrong, the clock tower level is usually my favourite, but why is it so necessary?

Oh well. Kevin d and Margot got back from their tropical paradise after sitting on the beach for a week drinking rum out of coconuts. Lousy students with their reading week and parents with money.

And they had the unmitigated gall to go to paradise and not bring me back a single picture of a coconut. Can you believe that?

This false indignity stuff is hard to maintain, so I'll stop now. That's better. I still want a picture of a coconut though...


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