Monday, February 21, 2005

The lesson is: never try

I've canceled the BABAF. It was a colossal failure, the likes of which have never been seen before. Now let us never speak of it again.

I spent all weekend playing Guild Wars. If you've never heard of it, go to the Guild Wars website to learn more, because I don't feel like explaining it.

After a rough start on Friday (which saw our entire guild getting utterly destroyed because we made level 20 characters specifically for player-vs-player games) we got our act together on Saturday and started proper characters. I now have a level 10 Warrior/Mesmer. If that's meaningless to you, it's basically a fighter who can deal with spellcasters. The trouble with fighting casters is that they tend to stay far away and cast stuff on you, killing you before you can get close enough to hit them. What the mesmer does is cast spells designed specifically to mess up other casters. There's one that makes it so that anytime a caster tries a spell, it blows up in their face and deals a humongous amount of damage. Other spells drain their energy, either by converting it to health for you, causing damage to them, or adding to your energy. The less energy they have, the less spells they can cast.

Even with those cool things going for me, it's a team-based game, and no team is complete without a healer. After having almost no healing in our first incarnation, just about everybody in the guild is now part Monk, so there's no shortage of healing and resurrecting going on for us.

Anyway, the game is in its beta stage, and as a result games only run one weekend a month. After this weekend, I can't wait for the next one to start.


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