Donations update
So far a grand total of $0.00 has been donated to the BABAF. A total of $10.00 has been indicated as being available from different sources, but initial reports show the entire campaign to be a failure.
Unless this changes severely, the entire project will be scrapped and I'll have no choice but to find somebody to mock me. Or I could cut out the middle man and mock myself. That'll save time and effort.
I was discussing the current job market with a friend, and I came tot he conclusion that I give up too easily on things. With a bit of work I could no doubt learn all the languages and technologies all the employers seem to want, but the fact that "it might be helpful someday" doesn't do much to motivate me.
So I'm turning over a new leaf. Again. I've turned a lot of leaves this year, and they keep turning themselves back. Lousy leaves.
Rambling aside, I'm going to finally crack down and learn how to write in all those languages I've had sitting around not being used. I'm going to think of funky stuff and just write it for no good reason. I might put fancy GUIs on them, I might make networked stuff, I might write scripts that automatically change all my file names to hilarious anecdotes. The future is mine.
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