Tuesday, April 19, 2005

No random wikis tonight

I don't feel like writing anything tonight, so I won't having a Random Wiki Extravaganza. Maybe tomorrow if anybody even cares about it. Steve, I know you mentioned it in the poker games, but one night you said you liked it and the next you said you didn't really care for it, so I'm confused.

I think I might go to bed before 3 tonight. I need to start sleeping better, but there's just so much to do on the internet at night. Like write in a blog... Hm, maybe I'm shooting myself in the foot here.

Well, nobody really needs both feet.

In other news, my writing projects have stalled. Maybe it's just writer's block and I can get stuff flowing with a meaningless side project. Maybe I'll try that tomorrow if I feel up to the task.

All this creativity (or the lack thereof) really eats into my jobhunting time. maybe I can combine the two. If anybody knows a good way to get your ideas heard by people in the relevant industries, I'd greatly appreciate knowing it.


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