Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Nobody gave me any input either way, so here's Random Wiki Extravanganza volume 6!

You know the drill, let's get down to it!

Michael Scott was president of Apple Computers from 1977 to 1981.His term ended the year I was born. My middle name is Michael. I'm scared.

Agricultural Policy is the system of subsidies given to farmers. I have nothing funny to say about farmers, so let's move on.

Deep Woods is the culfest of the Madras Christian College in Chennai, India. I have no idea what that means either. Seems like I get a lot of confusing stuff out of India in these RWEs, don't I?

Barmah is the only town in Austarlia's Victoria province to be north of New South Wales. It's also near the world's largest River Red Gum forest, and the nearby Murray River floodplain is the breeding ground for the Murray cod. Is there anything Barmah can't do?

The Francis Scott Key Bridge actually exists in two places: crossing the outer Baltimore Harbour and crossing the Potomac River between Washington DC and Arlington, Virginia. That's one talented bridge.

And there you have it. Five random facts that you most likely didn't already know. If you missed last week's, click here to read it.

Come back next week, or thereabouts, for more random wikis, or come back before then for my normal blog stylings.


At 11:32 a.m., Blogger -Matt said...

Deep Woods sounds like the title of a porno, OR bug spray.


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