Friday, June 17, 2005

More fun with HTML

I got the new windows opening at the right size with JavaScript, and now anyone looking at Barrel's photo gallery without it won't get new windows, but that's okay.

Now, he gave me a lot of pictures which I've assembled into a sort of action shot gallery. He didn't want description for these, so I decided to put 3 per row, keeping the regular left-right configuration I had with the other galleries, but with a third image centred between them. I modified some of my div boxes from the earlier galleries to remove the left-alignment, hoping that that would centre the middle image.

It works fine in Internet Explorer, but in Opera the middle image is pressed against the left one. I can't figure out how to fix this without doing a lot of annoying margin and padding work, unless I redefine the centre image div into filling the entire available width, but I don't really want to do either of those.

I know some people will tell me to not bother, because it works in Internet Explorer and nothing else matters. Personally I hate this line of thinking. If it doesn't work in all browsers, it doesn't work at all. There are web standards for a reason, and IE doesn't conform to them. In any other industry they'd be in trouble for that, but on the internet they're rewarded with being the dominant browser. People take the easy route and write code that works in IE's broken rendering engine while any standards-compliant browser chews it up and rightly rejects it, and they get punished for it.

This has the potential to veer off into territory I'd rather not tread, so I'll leave the topic alone.

Come to think of it, I never tested the site with Firefox or Netscape. Guess I'd better find some testers.

Screw it, I'll just redefine the middle div.


At 11:34 p.m., Blogger -Matt said...

Fuck Oprah and Opera.

Firefox is where it's at.

At 3:43 a.m., Blogger Scotty said...

Ah Firefox. A badly-written extension for every useless purpose.

Except for the ones that make it work like a default installation of Opera, those seem to work okay.


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