And we're off
I just finished putting in my application for the technical writer course. Turns out I didn't need to order a transcript because it can all be done online, so I wasted a few days and 10 bucks. I guess I'll survive, but it's still annoying.
More muttering about everybody's dependence on Internet Explorer follows. I tried to fill out the forms with Opera, but it kept telling me it wouldn't work and I needed IE or Netscape. I told Opera to identify itself as IE, and to absolutely no surprise the application stuff worked just fine. The only hiccup I had was at the transcript ordering screen because none of the buttons would load, so I decided to give in to annoyance and opened up that page in IE. For some reason they don't show any toolbar buttons in the applciation system, and you can't use the back shortcut or reload the page. I'm not usually one to complain about other people's web design, but if you're going to set it up that way, at least tell the users they can't do it.
I now have an application in, a transcript is on its way, and I'm $88 poorer. Now I just need to find a summer job (I hate looking for work, have you noticed?) so I can have some spending money during the school year. Assuming I get accepted, that is.
Here's hoping.
Good luck with the application Scotty
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