Friday, October 28, 2005

Project planning. Woo.

I'm currently writing a project plan template for my document planning and management course. We're supposed to follow along with what we did for the information plan, but adapt the content into a project plan. The textbook has a 60 page block of information about project plans, most of which is completely useless. The textbook for another course has a 13 page section on the same topic, and I followed it for the entire assignment. It's a much better reference, and I honestly don't know why it's not the required book.

Regardless, I have a fair amount of the project plan done (I think), and I suddenly realized it's surprisingly short. It's currently 2 full pages shorter than the information plan, and that's after I filled in the tables with a lot of stuff I might not need. I guess it has less sections, but now I'm concerned about it.

I didn't include any of the information about how to estimate the length of the project, and I figure if anyone in actually using my template for planning a project they'll already know how to do that. I really don't want to get in to it, because that's what the bulk of that 60 page chapter is on, and even the shorter, better book has a page or two dedicated to a much simpler method of doing it.

I guess I should err on the side of caution and include a method of calculating the total time of the project by estimating the time per page. Ugh.

I do not ever want to be a project manager if the job is anything like this course has led me to believe.


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