Sunday, March 05, 2006

Why'd I leave this so long?

I'm knee deep in the technical report I have to edit. I have 2 of my sections completely done and am almost done a third. Sounds good, right?

Kill me.

Every line needs revision, every time a word could be wrong, it is wrong. Every awkward construction you can imagine is there. Every time something has to be changed, it makes everything else have to change.

If the engineering group who wrote it is reading this, I'm sorry for going on about it. It's not your fault, this isn't what you're good at, and I realize that. I'm sure you'd feel the same way I do now if I were to hand you a stack of product diagrams and ask you to critique and improve them.

But still, it's painful.

And the longer I spend on it, the more I need to do. My goal is to get it done by tomorrow so I can take Monday to do my Dreamweaver tutorial, but I'm not sure that's going to happen.


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