Thursday, October 28, 2004

How is this possible?

I live on the 20th floor, but I can still hear stuff going on outside as if I was on the ground floor. Sometimes I forget and turn to look out the window, then remember that I'm too high above it to see what's going on.

Not a big concern, but it sometimes bugs me.

In other news I'm still unemployed. I think I stopped caring about work, so I'm just slumming. Next week I get serious. I know I say that every other week, but this time I mean it. And this time I mean that I mean it.

I mean it.


At 2:12 p.m., Blogger Kevin said...

it's an optical illusion. you're really only about 15 feet above ground. Throw some appliances and rotten steak off just to see how high you really are.....


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