Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I'm immune to expired meat

We had two leftover sausages in the fridge, so I decided to grill them up for dinner. I cooked them, and then noticed the expiry date on the package was May 18th. My dinner was 5 days expired, but they smelled okay and looked good, so I decided to go ahead with my plan of eating them.

5 hours later I still feel fine. Nothing is rumbling or being nasty in any way (I'm a bit gassy, but that's fairly normal). If I think about eating expired meat I feel bad, but if I don't think about it, I feel fine.

The Jeopardy Ultimate Tournament of Champions is wrapping up, and they're in the 3 day final match. Surprisingly, Ken Jennings is in last place going into day 2. I was expecting him to destroy the other guys and taunt them with his superior intellect.

In a way I feel bad for the guy who won the game right before this tournament started. He gets his moment in the sun, then gets interrupted by a few months of the best players ever showing off, and then the night after somebody wins 2 million bucks it'll be back to him and his insignificant winnings. How can he be expected to carry any momentum between games?

If they can't do a 5 day final, then they should pad the week with some consolation games, or do something fun like make the clue crew compete for a raise, or something.Maybe have Alex as a contestant and let whoever won the tournament be the host. Start the regular games back up on Monday, so that we the viewers don't go from Ultimate Champion to Some Guy. Give things a chance to wind down.

I just realized I've been slacking on writing here. My fault really, I have nothing worthwhile to say. Think I'll have to kickstart the old brain.


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