One down
I went out and bagged me a content specification template. The only assignment I had that had a concrete dealine attached to it, and it's now a trophy hanging on my wall. Or a file on my hard drive, but that sort of destroys the hunting metaphor I was running with there.
Anyway, that just leaves the proposal and the research paper, and I'm going to start one of them after grocery shopping. I have some momentum now, now I should be able to get moving. Anybody who points out that one has to be moving to have momentum will be ignored.
Bowling last night was a lot of fun. The alley we went to only had 5 pin, so we made do with the smaller balls. We played two games, and I bowled 148 in the first and 151 in the second. A perfect game of 5 pin is 450 points, apparently, so I guess I still did pretty well. I came in 2nd on my team both games, and lost to a different person each time. Go me.
I don't know about you, but I grew up on five pin and I think it's CLEARLY more fun than 10 pin.
If you can get past the fact that you're knocking down half as many pins with balls half the size, you can have a ripping good time. I mean, you can really throw the HELL out of those smaller ones.
I remember one time clearing the little plastic strip you're supposed to go under. I actually got kicked out of the bowling alley once.
Plus it takes more skill
I like 5 pin too, but a lot of the guys wanted to play 10 pin. I didn't have much of a preference.
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