Just a quick rundown of my current workload. I'm having a little bit of trouble keeping track of it, so I thought I'd list what I have left to do. Not only will this help me sort it out, but you'll get a fascinating look into my life. Your definition of fascinating is probably very different from mine.
First and foremost, I have to finish a website in Dreamweaver by Tuesday. I took a bunch of pictures of Queen's campus at night a while back, and I've set up a map of campus to have clickable hotspots that will pop up a picture of the building or location and load some information about it in another frame. It's working decently, but my picture layer keeps appearing in the wrong place. I figure I can fix that later, and clicking on the picture makes it go away, so it's not a big concern.
Next, I have to present two short tutorials. One's on FrameMaker's copy special command, the other's on making css styles in Dreamweaver. I already have these planned and I know pretty much exactly what I'm going to say. I have to find out about making a handout for the dreamweaver presentation, because people have been giving them out but I can't remember the assignment requiring one.
Next, there are two word processing exercises due on April 26th. I have nothing to say about them.
Finally, there's the user manual. This is the big project of the semester, and after I get all the piddly crap done, the manual will consume my soul. I'm writing a maintenance and repair manual for a system that turns a solar panel so it always faces the sun, thus maximizing the amount of energy it absorbs. It's a neat project, but I think most of what I write for it will be steps to describe changing the motor or replacing the bearings. Not exactly thrilling, but it has to be done.
I have no idea how long my section of the manual is going to be, but my partner and I have decided to write the entire thing in FrameMaker, so everything will take a bit longer than we expect. Until we remember that absolutely everything you want to do with FrameMaker is an option in the Special menu, that is.
It doesn't look like a lot, but that manual is going to be a killer, I'm sure.
The funny will return to this blog someday, I hope.
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