I've been a bit dizzy all night. It started before dinner, and for a while it was so bad I couldn't cook, but not so bad that I couldn't walk to Subway. I'm still a little wobbly, but it's not as bad as it was.
I don't think I'm getting sick, but it's a possibility. Maybe I'm just not drinking enough water.
So far the drawing hasn't begun. I keep meaning to do it, and then finding something more urgent. Pretty much the same thing I do with my writing. I think I need to find a new place to do stuff, because this room seems to stifle my creativity. When I'm out walking around I have ideas flowing in nonstop, and as soon as I sit down they disappear.
Starting tomorrow I'm going to force myself to sit out on the balcony to do stuff. We put up some netting, and the pigeons have stayed away thus far. Stupid pigeons, hate them so much. But they're gone, so I hate them less.
Hooray for progress!
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