Stop slacking!
Okay, here we are a week later. Semester's over and I've had two full days of sitting around doing absolutely nothing. My promise to start blogging regularly again hasn't been forgotten, it just needs a little jump start.
A bit earlier in the year, I talked to the Disabilities people to see if they could pay for speech therapy. They told me that all that money comes from OSAP, so I'd have to qualify for it before they could do anything. No problem, I thought, I'll apply when the semester's over.
I just finished trying to get in to the OSAP site, and it was the most frustrating thing I've ever experienced. In order to log in, I need to give them either an OSAP number or my Social Insurance Number and a password. Since I've never applied for OSAP before, I clicked the New User link and followed the directions.
SIN, password, repeat password, set up two questions for future password recovery. Easy enough, right?
Apparently I've already applied for OSAP, because no matter what I put in the system rejects me. It says my password is already on file and that I'm not a new user and I need to log in with my old password. A password I don't have, because I've never applied for OSAP.
I can find out my password by answering the two questions, but because I've never applied for OSAP, I don't have questions. I can set up some questions by logging in with my SIN and password, the password I don't have because I've never applied for OSAP.
I checked the FAQ, and they don't mention anything about this conundrum. I checked their feedback form, but it's only about customer service. I checked their tech support, but it's only for technical problems with the site. There's no way to use the site to find out what's going on in my situation.
I looked at the paper version, and it's 20 pages. There are questions there about stuff I've never even heard of, and quite frankly it scares me.
Guess I'll have to go in to school and talk to financial aid. I'll no doubt just get rejected by OSAP because I don't need the money. I only need to qualify so the school can help me speak better. Is that so much to ask?
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