Some people...
Some people should not be allowed to create professionally.

Three seconds of proofreading, people. Even Word's grammar check would have caught that.
I put the v in qv7. The q and the 7 too. I'm a triple threat.
Some people should not be allowed to create professionally.
I'm trying to write a proposal. It's for an assignment, and I have to present it on Wednesday. I don't have to hand in the actual written proposal until the end of the semester, but I have enough due then that I pretty much have to finish it so I don't get overwhelmed. I already have a content specification, 2 usability assignments, an HTML assignment, and a research paper due next week, and I don't need to add a proposal to that list.
I give my presentation in an hour and a half. Fortunately there was an opening today (we're starting proposal presentations in the other class, and because the same person teaches both we're allowed to present what we what when we want), so I'm slotted in. I'm not sure when it'll start, but sometime bewteen 2 and 4. Think good thoughts for me.
Yup, I'm still alive. Busy, but managing. A couple deadlines got moved so all i have tomorrow is the presentation, but I'll probably finish up the tutorial anyway.
My plan was to take this entire weekend and devote it to nothing but getting my research presentation planned and written. After almost all of today, I have an outline. Nothing else.
I'm supposed to be going over to Steve's to play some Twilight Imperium, but so far I have no idea what's going on. He was supposed to be getting off work at 2, and here it is an hour later and he's not home yet. So, I wait.
I have 3 large assignments due next week, including a fairly major research paper. I ahven't done any research whatsoever, but the other assignments are mostly done. It should be clear sailing to get the research started and some information compiled.
I reinstalled Opera 7. Ever since I upgraded to 8.5 I've had nothing but trouble. Here's hoping.
Just testing to see if the posting issue has been cleared up yet.
When I tell you to open new indows in a new tab, I don't mean open a new browswer with a single tab in it. I mean open a new tab in the current browser. that's what tabbed browsing is. Opening a new window destroys the entire purpose of tabs.
Taking people's suggestions, I've installed Firefox. I told it to import my bookmarks and it didn't, so already we're off on the wrong foot. It did fill my toolbar with Opera links I've never even looked at, so I don't know if that was supposed to happen or not.
If this text appears, I'm officially pissed off.
MSN hasn't been working all day. I can't connect with Trillian, can't connect with MSN. I looked the problem up on the Trillian message board, and apparently it's happened to people in the past, and starts working again before too long. Still annoying though.